Role of Volunteers
The Westport Library welcomes the use of volunteers to enhance library service to the community. Volunteers provide support services to staff or work on special projects.
Selection and Retention of Volunteers
Volunteers are selected based on their qualifications and the needs of the library at any given time. Volunteers may be selected by department managers or supervisors based on a completed volunteer application form and an interview. The Library Director and staff will use their discretion in determining the appropriate use and retention of volunteers.
Friends of the Westport Library
The Friends of the Westport Library is a separate organization which supports the library in many ways. All Friends are volunteers and members are recruited for various activities, including programs, book sales and special projects. Friends’ volunteers work under the direction of a designated library staff member.
Training and Supervision
Volunteers will receive training in their assigned duties from a library staff member under the direction of a department manager. Volunteers work when adequate supervision is available. Work schedules and specific time commitments will be arranged individually by each volunteer and his or her supervisor.
Community Service
Persons who seek a specific number of volunteer hours at the Westport Library to meet a requirement set by an outside agency for the performance of community service are subject to the above selection process and all other provisions of this policy.
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees May 17, 2000. Amended on May 18, 2011.