Media Relations Policy
I. Statement of Policy
The Westport Library Board of Trustees has determined that members of the media should have access to the Library, subject to a published written policy which will be applied without discrimination and in the best interests of all Library users.
II. Communications with the Media
A. Only staff members designated by the Executive Director or the Board of Trustees are authorized to prepare press releases and other materials for the media. Staff members listed as contacts on press releases are responsible for answering inquiries received from the media regarding a release.
B. Only staff members who are in charge of Library programs or events are authorized to answer questions from the media related to those programs or events All other inquiries from the media about Library policies, practices, procedures or issues should be referred to the Executive Director or his or her designee.
III. Media Access to the Library
A. Representatives of the press or other media are welcome within the public areas of the Library and are welcome to attend in a working capacity events, programs or meetings within the Library that are open to the public.
B. Representatives of the press or other media may not create visual or audio records of events or programs conducted or sponsored by the Library without permission in advance from the Executive Director or his or her designee.
C. When an outside group utilizes a Library meeting room for an event or meeting that is designated as open to the public, representatives of the press or other media who attend the event or meeting have the right to create visual or audio records of such event or meeting to the same extent as if it were held in a public space or forum outside the Library. The press or other media representative should give the organizer of the meeting notice that he or she is attending the event or meeting and expects to create a visual or audio record of the event or meeting.
IV. Interviews and Surveys
A. The Library Use Policy of the Westport Library prohibits the solicitation of opinions through interviews or surveys by third parties inside the Library building. Exceptions may be granted by the Executive Director for interviews on Library‐related topics.
B. Library users have a right to use the Library facilities undisturbed and in privacy. The Library’s statement of Vision, Mission and Values has recognized that the public library is a “sanctuary” for reading, study, and reflection.
C. Reporters may interview Library users only outside of the Library building.
V. Enforcement
The provisions of this Media Relations Policy will be construed and enforced by the Executive Director at his or her sole discretion, and exceptions may be granted by the Executive Director. All decisions, determinations and actions taken by the Executive Director with respect to this Media Relations Policy are final and not subject to review.
VI. Amendment
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this Media Relations Policy at any time.
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees May 17, 2000; amended July 20, 2005; revised February 15, 2012; revised April 14, 2020