As a volunteer reader for the Westport Prize for Literature, you will be responsible for evaluating submitted literary works. Please use the following evaluation criteria to assess each book you read. Rate each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
Before you get started, here are some questions to help guide your evaluation.
1. Originality
2. Use of language
- Does it flow?
- Does it express a specific voice?
- Does the language enhance or hinder the reader experience?
- Was the dialogue convincing?
- Did it help create distinct characters?
- Did the author create tension?
- Did the author create a convincing atmosphere?
- Did the world created by the author feel authentic?
3. Addressing an issue in contemporary life
- Does the story illuminate a dynamic in contemporary life?
- Is the approach to the contemporary dynamic successfully embedded in the narrative or is it too heavy handed?
- Does the story as the reader to reconsider assumptions?
- Does the book explore moral complexity?
4. Was the reading experience pleasurable?
- Were you compelled to continue reading the book?
- Was the book intellectually satisfying?
- Did the story engage the reader from beginning to end?
5. Character Developement
- Did the author create deep and detailed characters?
- Did the reader become invested in what happened to the characters
- Did the characters give the reader insights into human nature?
6. Plot
- Is the plot well-constructed?
- Is the final resolution of the plot convincing?
7. Consider the use of literary techniques and conventions.
8. Did the novel reveal enduring truths that will make it relevant throughout time?
Please ensure that you submit this completed evaluation form by the specified deadline. Thank you for your dedication to the world of literature and your support of the Westport Prize for Literature.