Gain early access to the Spring 2024 Westport Library Book Sale. Tickets are $35 each + platform’s processing fees. A maximum of 125 tickets will be sold.
The sale will feature thousands of gently used books in more than 50 categories, including books for children from infants to teens; literature and classics; fiction, mystery, and SciFi and fantasy; graphic novels and manga; art, photography, history, math, science, psychology, religion, biography, business, cooking, gardening, performing arts, travel, foreign language, education, reference, and more, including Noteworthy, especially antiquarian books. Plus vintage vinyl records, DVDs and CDs.
Spring 2024 Book Sale Regular Hours:
Friday, May 17: 12-6 pm
Saturday, May 18: 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday, May 19: 11 am - 4 pm (half-price day — almost everything offered at half price!; note: $1 Fiction books and $1 Children’s books remain at $1)
Monday, May 20: 9 am - 5 pm (fill our logo bag for $10 per bag, or fill your own equivalent-sized bag for $8 per bag, or purchase individual items at half-price, your choice)