Where Westport Meets the World: Alison Milwe Grace, Award-Winning Chef and Owner of AMG Catering...

Westport’s own Dan Woog brings his popular blog “06880: Where Westport Meets the World” to life, via the Verso Studios at The Westport Library – recorded LIVE in the Trefz Forum! On Monday, August 21, watch his interview with Alison Milwe Grace. Milwe Grace has been in the food industry for over 28 years. From baking cakes for her sister in elementary school, to working as a cheese monger in high school, to waitressing her way through college, to managing fine dining establishments post-graduation, to eventually becoming executive chef at an award-winning Fairfield County restaurant, to now acting as chef/owner of her own catering company, there is nothing Alison cannot do. She received her bachelor of science from the Hotel and Restaurant School at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and has been a server, bartender, floor manager, and chef at fine dining establishments all over the Eastern Seaboard and tri-state Area. Alison also has a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts from the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) in Manhattan, as well as an ICE certificate in French Cooking Technique. As a recipient of the James Beard Scholarship in 1995, Alison has been awarded many honors, including being selected “Chef of the Month” by several Connecticut newspapers while performing her duties as Executive Chef at the popular Sunset Grille in Norwalk Cove Marina. She has won numerous awards and publications over the years while working in the restaurant industry, and many of her recipes have been written up and featured in magazines and newspapers.


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