Save the date for the Library's Big Fall Book Sale, to be held in the Trefz Forum.
The sale will feature thousands of gently used books in more than 50 categories, including books for children from infants to teens; literature and classics; fiction, mystery, and SciFi and fantasy; graphic novels and manga; art, photography, history, math, science, psychology, religion, biography, business, cooking, gardening, performing arts, travel, foreign language, education, reference, and more, including Noteworthy, especially antiquarian books. Plus vintage vinyl records, DVDs and CDs.
Daily Schedule
Friday, December 1: 8:55 am-12 pm (ticket required; click here to purchase early access ticket)
Friday, December 1: 12-6 pm
Saturday, December 2: 9-5 pm
Sunday, December 3: 11 am-5 pm (half-price day)
Monday, December 4: 9 am-5 pm (Bag Day: get and fill a Book Sale bag for $10/bag or fill your own bag for $8)
Please note: To accommodate the book sale, book donations will not be accepted from November 20 through December 6.
Award Winning Books!
Genres 101
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