Verso University Presents: Location Sketch Class

Brooks Place, The Westport Library 20 Jesup Road, Westport

A series of classes where participants draw a location and study uses of composition, line, and value to capture the mood and story of a place. The class will meet on Tuesdays, June 4 -June 25 from 10-11:30 am. Weather permitting, be prepared to draw locations outside, along the Saugatuck River and Jesup Green environment. The instructor, Tim Cronin, has taught drawing and cartooning at Silvermine School of Art, Darien Art Center, Norwalk Art Space. He is a graduate of NYC’s School of Visual Arts with a BFA in cartooning and illustration. Tim also has had a colorful career as a tattoo artist, illustrator, sign painter, and calligrapher. This is a wonderful opportunity if you're an artist who wants to improve and stay in shape with their drawing skills, or if you're a beginner looking to try something new. This workshop is also for people that would like to participate in something creative with others. The group will be invited to challenge themselves about how they see, look, think and create their drawings.

Event Series Westport Library Tech Rally

Westport Library Tech Rally

The Trefz Forum, The Westport Library 20 Jesup Road, Westport

Every Tuesday, Library staff and assistants will be on hand in the Trefz Forum to provide in-person support for accessing our digital resources. Our tech assistants are available to help […]

Featured Featured

Get the Picture with Bianca Bosker

The Westport Library 20 Jesup Road, Westport

Register Here The New York Times best-selling author of Cork Dork returns to Westport and takes readers on another fascinating, hilarious, and revelatory journey — this time burrowing deep inside […]

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