Exhibit Inquiry Guidelines

The Westport Library hosts changing art exhibits in its main gallery in the Sheffer Room as well as in two smaller exhibit areas elsewhere in Library. The Library’s exhibits curator, Carole Erger-Fass, and volunteer Art Committee work together to review exhibit inquiries on an ongoing basis, and curate and install the exhibits. To inquire about exhibiting your work, please follow the submission guidelines below.

To Inquire about Having an Exhibit:

Please fill out the Exhibit Inquiry Form at the bottom of this page.

Note that all exhibited work must be original (not a reproduction or commercial print). Also, keep in mind that since the Library is a public space, work exhibited must be suitable for patrons of all ages.

If your work seems a possible fit for a Library exhibit, the exhibits curator or a member of the Art Committee will contact you to arrange a studio visit. Following the visit, if your work has the support of the full committee, you will be notified of available exhibit dates and asked to sign an Exhibition Agreement, which will commit you to the agreed-upon dates and terms.

Please Note:

  • Preference will be given to Westport artists and those with ties to the Westport community.
  • The Art Committee meets regularly to review inquiries and will respond in about 8-12 weeks. Unfortunately, we cannot reply to inquiries about the status of a submission nor offer feedback or explain why a submission was not accepted.
  • Also, note that the Library schedules its exhibits about a year in advance.

If Your Exhibit Proposal Is Accepted:

Duration of exhibits: Exhibits in the Sheffer Gallery generally run 10 weeks in length. Exhibits elsewhere in the Library may run from 1-3 months, with the length of the exhibit determined by the exhibits curator.

Installation: The Art Committee installs the exhibits and, of course, welcomes the artist’s suggestions and help.

Opening Reception: For exhibits in the Sheffer Gallery, an opening reception is usually held in the evening, starting at 6 pm, on a date that the library determines. Receptions can be combined with an artist talk on the same night. The South and Jesup exhibits may have an opening reception combined with an artist talk if desired, on a date that the library determines, starting at 6 pm. The Library provides light snacks and beverages for all art receptions.

Insurance: The Library does not carry separate insurance for exhibited artwork, and is not responsible for any damage to, or theft of, the artworks during an exhibition. You may, of course, decide to buy your own insurance coverage for your artworks, at your own expense, in which case, you should insure the works while in transit and for the entire time they are located at the Library.

Art Sales: The Library requests a 20% commission on all art sales, which supports the exhibits program. Patrons interested in purchasing art will be asked to deal directly with the artist, whose contact information will be provided at the exhibit. The artist is responsible for all arrangements with the buyer, including Connecticut State sales tax. Note that any art sold must remain in place until the exhibit closes.

Publicity: The Library provides publicity for exhibits in its regular bi-monthly newsletter, on its website, and with e-invites to the public for opening receptions. The Library does not create postcards for exhibits but is happy for artists to do this, provided they run the draft card by the exhibits curator to check that various key information is included.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

A brief 1-page artists biography, an overview of education, past and upcoming exhibits, affiliationswith arts organizations, awards and website (if applicable).

A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) artist’s statement about the work submitted and/or the concept for your exhibit.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

A list identifying each image sent (in order uploaded) by number, title, medium, dimensions and year created. And if the work’s orientation is not obvious, please indicate which edge is the top.

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